長谷川 慶子(はせがわ けいこ)

1975年3月 岡山県生まれ
イラストレーション青山塾 9~13期修了
第10回TIS公募 入選・審査員特別賞(長友啓典氏)

Keiko Hasegawa was born in Okayama Prefecture, Japan in 1975. Keiko graduated from Chuo University the Department of Law within the Faculty of Law in Tokyo. After quitting her job to edit educational materials for children, she has started to learn drawing illustrations. She has completed a five-year course of AOYAMAJUKU. Keiko’s illustration was selected for 10th TIS Competition of TOKYO ILLUSTRATORS SOCIETY, and now she is a member of TOKYO ILLUSTRATORS SOCIETY. She now lives in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Kanagawa Prefecture is next to Tokyo.
She draws illustrations that support her and everybody who want to be a girl until the end of her life.